Friday, September 25, 2009

Sin waits. Don't look. Keep walking.

Solomon found favor in the sight of God.
King Solomon became wiser and richer than all the kings of the earth.
But, King Solomon was obsessed with women.
King Solomon openly defied God in worshipping other gods.
God was furious with Solomon.
Things didn't end well for Solomon's family.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Coloring outside the lines can be beautiful...

Some think coloring outside the lines is wrong.  It seems out of place to them.  It even seems counterproductive.  But consider the crippled handicapped child and how beautiful it is to even see the child pick up the crayon.  Any color is good.  It matters not where the color goes.  It is just beautiful to see the color at all. 

David colored outside the lines.  In his experiences and with God's wisdom, he developed some rules to live by.  These rules give insight into his life and can be applied to those like him.  

You stick by people who stick with you, 
you're straight with people who're straight with you, 
You're good to good people, 
you shrewdly work around the bad ones. 
You take the side of the down-and-out, 
but the stuck-up you take down a peg. 

"I am but a crippled child.  There is beauty in the colors I pick and the place I lay them down."  ~the janitor

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whatever! With God, bad might turn good...~the janitor

Everyone knows David as the man after God's heart.  He was king and a good king he was.  God loved David and blessed him many times over.  Blessings on David was not unusual.  It was a way of life for him.  Wouldn't you have loved to live the life of David?  

But wait! What about the time Absalum, his son rose up in rebellion against the David and set out to kill him and crown himself king.  That surely was not a good time in David's life.  Or what about another son of his dieing because of David's sin with Bathsheba?  Or what about the time...  The list goes on.

It seems obvious to me, life is meant to be what it is.  Sometimes events make us happy.  Sometimes events make us sad.  We need to remember, events are nothing more than happenings.  They do not define who we are or who God is.  They are just events.  

In the good and bad, thank God for what you have and look forward to the next day with Jesus.  Who knows, maybe God will see the trouble you are in and make something good out of it?

"And who knows, maybe God will see the trouble I'm in today and exchange the curses for something good." ~David

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Eye Witness Report - Burkina Faso

Natalie Rizvi 

Yesterday, I got to see an area damaged by the flooding. There are people who lost everything, no one really knows the death toll, and thousands are living with no medical care, food or clean water. There is worry about a cholera outbreak which could be fatal esp. to children (you basically die of dehydration). I feel so helpless to help these people. There are children who have been refused medical care bc they can't pay and in one place 5000 people are staying incl 600 children under 5 yrs. They have been given 50 mats to sleep on and 40 sheets and there is a problem with gov't officials stealing food meant for the flood victims. I'm doing good though, we start teaching on Monday, so I'm excited about that. Anne-Marie is enjoying a pair of your boxers that you left.

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Will you give your life for 25 Bibles?

Muslim Militants Slay Long-Time Christian in Somalia
Omar Khalafe
Omar Khalafe
Al Shabaab extremists shoot 69-year-old after finding Bibles on him at checkpoint.
The faith journey of a long-time underground Christian in Somalia ended in tragedy this week when Islamic militants controlling a security checkpoint killed him after finding Bibles in his possession.
Leaving Mogadishu by bus at 7:30 a.m., Khalafe was carrying 25 Somali Bibles he hoped to deliver to an underground fellowship in Somalia. By 10:30 a.m. he had arrived at the checkpoint controlled by al Shabaab, a rebel group linked with al Qaeda that has taken over large parts of the war-torn country. 
A source in Somalia who spoke on condition of anonymity told Compass that the passengers were ordered to disembark from the bus for inspection. The Islamic militants found 25 Somali Bibles in one of the passengers’ bags; when they asked to whom the Bibles belonged, the passengers responded with a chilled silence.
As the search continued, the militants found several photos in the bag. The source told Compass that the militants began trying to match the photos with the faces of the passengers, who were all seized by fear as they knew the inevitable fate of the owner. 
The Islamic extremists saw that the elderly Khalafe resembled a face in one of the photos, the source said. They asked Khalafe if he was the owner of the Bibles; he kept quiet. They shot him to death. 
Khalafe had been a Christian for 45 years, sources said.

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Church on Tap - hmmm...

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What is your claim to fame?

I once spent the day touring New York City with Mr. Ned Patterson, the previous son-in-law to E F Hutton.  It was a God ordained time in my life.  In our conservation, he asked me what my claim to fame was.  He said his claim to fame was having once married the daughter of E F Hutton.  What is your claim to fame and where was God in it? 

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"The heart, your soul, the essence of your being...Jesus" ~the janitor

God's anointed prophet Samuel was obedient.   He was in touch with God.  Samuel heard from God.  Samuel reasoned with God.  Samuel obeyed God.  In Samuel's obedience, he went to Bethlehem looking for the one God would choose as leader of the nation of Israel.  Samuel did the obvious.  Samuel check resumes and observed the obvious physical characteristics.  He was looking for the outstanding man that obviously fit the profile of leader.  

Samuel picked Eliab.  He was obviously king material.  But God had someone different in mind.  The story goes like this...

"But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature. I've already eliminated him. God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart.... 

Jesse presented his seven sons to Samuel. Samuel was blunt with Jesse, " God hasn't chosen any of these."  Then he asked Jesse, "Is this it? Are there no more sons?"  "Well, yes, there's the runt. But he's out tending the sheep." Samuel ordered Jesse, "Go get him. We're not moving from this spot until he's here."

Jesse sent for him. He was brought in, the very picture of health— bright-eyed, good-looking.  God said, "Up on your feet! Anoint him! This is the one."  Samuel took his flask of oil and anointed him, with his brothers standing around watching. 

The Spirit of God entered David like a rush of wind, God vitally empowering him for the rest of his life."

Likely, the job you currently hold is because you fit the profile of Eliab.  Your resume met the needs of your company.  Your profile was perfect for the job.  But is the job really the right one for the you?  

Could it be God has looked in your heart and sees a different man.  Might God see a man willing to foolishly and fearlessly fight Goliath in His name? Might you be that man....

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Does God make mistakes?

So i am praying about about provisions to go to Burkin Faso Africa.
God gives me a word about going in front of the emerging church. I
ask myself did God make a mistake or is His word and my prayer
related? Is there an emerging church in Africa that God wants me to be
a part of? Pray if God wants you to be a part of this adventure.

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