You know I have been reading, reading and reading some more of the life and times of George Mueller. This has been wrapped around the completion of a read the Bible in 90 days effort. I started a new Bible focus this morning. This one will be a focus on characters. In recent history, I have focused on Mueller. In Biblical history, I am focusing on Joseph. I say this as an encouragement to you. Get "immersed" in the Word. Your life will never be the same.
Now some would say, "Gag me with a silver spoon. No make that, gag me with an entire place setting." All archie ever talks about is himself and what he perceives God doing in his life. I am very sorry you may feel that way, because there are others that are blessed to see God at work and encouraged by someone who unabashedly chases after God. So I guess you will either have to get over it or quit reading. My preference is you embrace what God is doing and keep reading.
George lived a life of faith so he later could rub your nose in it or so it seems, some might feel this way. Read a quote from George....
"Day after day now passed away and the money did not come. The month of January was come to an end, and February also, and the money had not come. Thus more than one hundred and twenty days were gone by, whilst day by day I brought my petition before the Lord that he would bless this sister, keep her steadfast in her purpose, and intrust me with this money for his work in my hands.
Amidst it all my heart was assured, judging from the earnestness which he had given me in prayer, and that I had only desired this matter to the praise of his name, that in his own time he would bring it about. But I never wrote one single line to this sister on the subject all this time. At last, on the one hundred and thirty-fourth day since I had daily besought the Lord about this matter, on March 8, 1843, I received a letter from the sister, informing me that the five hundred pounds had been paid into the hands of my bankers".
There is much to be learned from the faithful life of George. He says, "...the first and primary object of the work was, to show before the whole world and the whole church of Christ, that even in these last evil days the living God is ready to prove himself as the living God, by being ever willing to help, succor, comfort, and answer the prayers of those who trust in him:"
In other words, George lived a life completely sold out to rely on God's daily provision so that you and I might be encouraged to believe that God is actively and ernestly desiring to take an active role in your and my life. George testified in over a thousand pages of God meeting specific needs. How sad if we don't get it. How sad if the answer for us individually is to whip out a credit card and not let God work His favor in your and my life.
I for one, choose to wait on the Lord.
For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!