Anyway, in the discussion I angrily said, "You are not my mother!"
It is difficult for me to have a boss. Is it just me or is it tough for everyone to have a boss? I ask, because I really don't know. I just know it is tough for me. I also know it was tough for the the Jews and probably still is. God gave them strict rules as to what they could do and what they could not do. Their actions determined God's blessing or curse.
The Word says, "God, our God, will take care of the hidden things but the revealed things are our business. " There were clearly some guidelines and laws the Jews were to follow. There were things they didn't understand because God kept them hidden. They were not to worry about the things they did not understand. God would take care of the hidden things. They were to be obedient to the things they did know.
Is that the way it is for you at work? Let God care for the things you don't understand and just be obedient with the things you do understand. Then watch God work for your good.
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