Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Quotes of the Lost" my Pet Peeve

A pet peeve of mine....
I am a fan of reading biographies and autobiographies of successful men.  My favorite are men who have achieved much while living outside the box.  I have read the life of Einstein, Edison and Tesla several times.  My favorite was Tesla.  This guy defined "out of the box" experiences.  There was the time he shut down all the power in Boulder, Colorado.  That was memorable.  But as far as I can tell they were lost as a goose spiritually. 
I could quote these great men of recent history or I could go back to hundreds of others who have achieved much in secular man's eyes.  But why would I want to?  What value is there to patterning my life after someone who has not patterned their life after God?  Give me a break.  Have you not spotted any good men of the Bible with something worth quoting.  I am confused and peeved at the whole deal of "Quotes of the Lost" (my title for a new book).
I don't desire to be successful in other man's eyes.  I desire to be successful in God's eyes.  I believe God is comfortable with the life I have led.  Maybe someday someone will find value in quoting ~the janitor. 
But until then from today's Bible read...
Quote of the living: "And everything you give me, I'll return a tenth to you." Abraham

For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!