There was a time not so long ago that there was a thing called, "The Blue Law". Today's younger generation probably doesn't have any idea what the blue law was. Do you know? Oddly enough, it was a law that required businesses to close on Sunday. There was a general opinion that Sunday was meant to be a day of rest. Wonder where anyone ever got that idea?
I've begun thinking about how I might incorporate God's instruction of rest on the Sabbath in my life. I have not figured it all out, but I know one thing for sure. Sunday is meant as a day of replenishment. It is a time to reflect on the things of God and make adjustments to my life that better incorporate and acknowledge the blessings of God. r
I don't think the Sabbath is necessarily on our day known as Sunday. The Hebrew calendar and ours don't perfectly align, but I do believe everyone has a Sabbath. It is that seventh day of your week, when you don't work and refocus on who it is that provided for you on the previous six days. I suppose if you work on modern day Sunday, that is ok but probably you run a risk of neglecting your Holy Day just because you are not in sync with the rest of the world. Make sense?
So take note of your Sabbath and make sure you keep it Holy. God really values His seventh day and I believe He is honored by observing you observe the day He gave you in a manner that is pleasing. The Sabbath is meant to be a Holy Day not a holiday.
"On a holiday, one might choose to raise hell. On a Holy day, one should choose to raise heaven." ~the janitor
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